
Noticias de transporte y logística

En esta sección tiene toda la información y últimas noticias sobre transporte, logística y comercio internacional relevante para su empresa.

26 July 2024

2 claves para el Futuro de los Centros de Distribución: Automatización y Eficiencia Operativa

Los centros de distribución están experimentando una transformación significativa impulsada por la automatización y las tecnologías inteligentes. Estos avances están redefiniendo cómo se gestionan los inventarios, se procesan los pedidos y se optimizan las operaciones logísticas. Este artículo explora el futuro de los centros de distribución, destacando el papel de la automatización y los almacenes […]

Supply chain - business woman inspector doing inventory VMI

18 April 2022

Supply Chain: Responsible Targets 2022

Let’s start by technically defining what a supply chain is: «it is the set of activities, facilities and means of distribution necessary to carry out the entire sales process of a product» according to Economipedia. In other words: the supply chain a is mix of different activities within an organization in order to convert raw […]

21 March 2022

PDA: Personal Digital Assistant and Logistics

Logistics is the fundamental piece in the production and supply chain of a company. For this reason, companies must make use of a very specific and well-designed logistics, which allows them not only to produce, but to distribute and have available to their customers, their product in a timely and quality manner. It is here […]

VMI two engineers checking inventory in a warehouse logistics management

22 February 2022

Logistics Management and its importance

By definition, logistics is a set of methods and procedures necessary and designed to achieve the organization of a company, logistics management, in order to carry out its goals or objectives. We can say that logistics management is a fundamental part to achieve efficiency in the supply of products or merchandise, from its point of […]

Recycling, plastic, sustentable

10 January 2022

Reverse logistics: recycling and sustainable packaging

Industries, nowadays, generate more than 30 tons of waste every year in Spain, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Individuals generate more than 20 tons in the same period of time. This is where reverse logistics comes into play. Reverse logistics is that which facilitates the creation of waste collection channels. These channels […]

Woman working on software

25 November 2021

Software and new technology in logistics

Today, the environment in which we live is characterised by external competitiveness. From the simplest operation to the approach of strategies within the company, such as suppliers and customers. This means that the development of technology in software has been a fundamental key to be able to optimise these operations and promote automation and new […]

Military logistics - military base

25 October 2021

Military logistics: what is it and how does it work?

Military logistics has been part of the history of mankind and has evolved to become a science of application to different processes of the Operational Forces. Many of its theories and applications have been efficiently put into practice in the business world. In this article we will talk about the logistics cycle, the principles of […]

Warehouse productivity

14 September 2021

Slotting: warehouse productivity

Slotting is the process of determining the best location of goods within the warehouse. This improves the warehouse productivity. A good slotting strategy is necessary to ensure the efficient installation of goods. For example, decreasing delivery times or more expensive warehouses mean that companies have to optimize the performance of their storage space to remain […]

26 June 2021

Relationship between logistics and supply chain management

A supply chain covers the production and distribution of goods and services to all types of customers. And, when well executed, both logistics and supply chain management can give companies a competitive advantage and bring value to their customers. Supply chain logistics is the one that coordinates the storage and shipping of goods (and services) […]

Trucks and trailers

25 May 2021

Trucks and trailers: logistics

There are different types of trucks and trailers that are used to transport goods from one place to another. There are a few of industries that work with these and logistics is one of the largest industries in the world that transport materials. Trucks and trailers can capacitate different quantities of goods. Even though the needs […]

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